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The Secretary vision statement for the MMSS Vidyawadi

There can be no question about the fact that education is the cornerstone of human development, the strongest pillar to ensure the survival of our planet. As a lifelong teacher and an educationist, I have witnessed the marvel of a young mind absorbing a new idea, grasping a new concept or solving a problem. That moment of sudden illumination is almost miraculous to see. It is these moments that create inventors, scientists, artists, writers, leaders and social reformers. At MMSS Vidyawadi, we have been turning out such winners since 1956. Our alumni have been climbing many, many ladders of success in diverse fields all over the world and I have no doubt that the list will grow longer and more illustrious in the years to come.
The reason for this is not far to seek. In our School, we strive to create an optimum blend of academics, sports, extra-curricular activities, personality building, life skills, creativity, analytical thinking and more. All along, we inculcate the finest human and social values in each student, teaching him not just right from wrong, but how to stay on the path of virtue and integrity. We teach the importance of compassion, inclusion and generosity. We help him understand his duties and responsibilities as a citizen and a nation-builder.
Our mission is: To attract and develop exceptional Girls and teachers from all backgrounds to serve a meritocratic India; inspire them to be just and ethical citizens; train them to be wise and principled leaders; and prepare them to enter one of the strongest alumni fraternities – for life.
The only factors that matter are merit and the willingness to learn. The full boarding environment encourages a strong sense of community and helps to develop friendships that will be sustained – and be sustaining – in life beyond the School. Growing up in School teaches the students discipline, self- reliance and independence.
The environment of the school is awe-inspiring. Spread over 65 verdant acres, the School is an oasis of architectural beauty and wide open spaces. Visitors say there is a sense of history in the air and great optimism for the future. The facilities range from the E-Library and Auditorium to the Art and much more. The sports facilities are extensive, both indoors and out. We have a separate Careers Information, Education and Guidance Department to counsel students to choose the best route in their life after School. The residential Houses and Central Dining Hall keep the Girls safe, comfortable and healthy – physically, intellectually and emotionally.
Our teaching faculty brings an enviable level of qualifications, experience and commitment. They play the roles of teacher, mentor, counselor, and guide and cheer leader with consummate skill. For them, teaching is not a job, but a calling, in which they grow and evolve to become better every day.
Ask any of our old Girls and each will have a host of happy memories of their years in School and how their bonds of friendship have strengthened over the decades. Most of them credit the School for their success in life and look back at their alma mater with love and gratitude.


Kailash T. Kaveria

New Admission 2025-26